BroadScan 1.5T Superconductive magnetic resonance system
Product Description
Magnet system: BroadScan-1.5 superconducting magnetic resonance system, using 940mm wide-body ultra-homogenized magnet, for the gradient coil and emission coil to reserve more design space, to achieve 70cm large aperture inspection channel, but also improve the performance and stability of the system.
Gradient system: BroadScan-1.5 superconducting magnetic resonance gradient system, its active shielding technology and water-cooled way to ensure the stability of the gradient system for a long period of high-intensity work, while using a fully digital real-time control technology, so that the gradient system has a continuous, accurate output response, Meet the needs of a wide range of clinical ultra-fast, high-resolution sequence imaging.
RF System: BroadScan-1.5 Superconductive Magnetic Resonance System, using 16 channels of digital RF emission and reception technology. With parallel acceleration technology, the signal-to-noise ratio is guaranteed to improve the quality of clinical images.
Product features
User experience: BroadScan-1.5 superconducting magnetic resonance system provides a high degree of patient check comfort, safety and fast and convenient workflow;
Combined coil design and automatic bed transfer function, so that patients in the swing, bed, scanning and other workflows have a great improvement;
The left and right LCD display can display the basic information of patients and physiological monitoring information, anti-magnetic noise-cancelling headphones and microphones, making communication between doctors and patients more efficient and amiable;
Short cavity large openness check channel, effectively alleviate the patient's claustrophobia and fear.
Clinical applications: 70cm large aperture can adapt to more clinical applications, higher examination comfort, effectively solve the patient's claustrophobic symptoms, in the field of magnetic resonance diagnosis, micro-invasive treatment and other special areas have advantages.
Professional and timely after-sales service: remote Internet of Things maintenance system, equipment status in real time master;
Equipped with true zero liquid helium volatile technology, 4k cold head, under normal conditions do not need to regularly replenish liquid helium, greatly reduce the cost of later use.
For your long-term and long-term maintenance of equipment use, the BroadScan-1.5 Superconductive Magnetic Resonance System provides every customer with a premium Platinum warranty policy and promises free software upgrades during the equipment life cycle.