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dx-eagle Digital photography system of column chest rack

Product Description

Suspension system combined vertical rotating digital chest frame, wide range of applications, easy to operate, a new automatic balance design, replacing the high maintenance rate of wire bearing design mode.

Matching four-way removable examination bed, can be applied to the head, chest, abdomen and limbs and other parts of the body, is the hospital's ideal digital photography system.

Technical parameters:

Standard ceiling rail length: 440CM

Standard bridge rail length: 300CM

Bucky Center Trip: 1300CM (400-1700mm)

Bucky rotation angle: -20 degrees to -90 degrees

Electric lift automatic pair

Common position one-click function


Range of movement:

Vertical: 150CM

Horizontal: Standard 360CM

Portrait: Standard 228CM

Motion: Electric control

Weight: 300kg


Image display:
